35:34S 006:14E

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Wed 24 Feb 2010 22:10
What a day we have had, the wind has been relentless in its variety of directions and strengths, we've run through almost the entire sail inventory in the last two days. The only sail which hasn't seen the sunlight is the trysail, which is still packed up ready and snug at the base of the mast for the day which we hope will never come. The seas started out this morning with a huge rumbly swell which was a little intimidating if you stared at it for too long. you would find yourself saying things like, My My that IS a big one, and then, OMG that one is even bigger.
The wind was about 10 knots from NW-N. Now, 16 hours later, the wind is from the South and we have about 16 knots. We have made excellent progress today, we even clocked up a new record of 9.4 knots of boatspeed. Awesome. Sailing in a flat sea is very morale boosting.
The boys made a great dinner, (did I mention that Toby caught the most spectacular long fin tuna yesterday afternoon, v. exciting. I was having a sneaky siesta, when it sounded like a herd of elephants had invaded the boat, only to find it was a fish on Toby's line and he wanted to get it reeled in before he lost it. He got it in, and found a fantastic 5kg tuna. Very welcome as Pandora and I were wondering what to do about dinner. So after another extensive photograph session, Toby and the fish, The fish and Toby, Toby with the fish at the sink, Toby with the fish at the counter, Toby ....you get the gist, aren't digital cameras great...we had an enviable feast of flash fried tuna and roast vegetables.
Anyway, we are charging along right now at 7 knots, we need to put in a little more "southing" as we must approach our destination from the SW due to vicious current which will take us northwards if not careful.
The kids did a great job of cleaning the dorade vents today, they look so nice when they are shiny and it always looks nice to arrive all clean and shiny, not ragged and weary which is how we feel inside.
must check wind speed again, I have the yankee out and it needs careful watching..
take care seahorses,
AMOK out.
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