23:37S 3:24W

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Sun 14 Feb 2010 21:18
Another great day of easterly winds which suits us very well just now. We are currently steering a course of 154 against a desired course of 151 and the sea is lovely and flat. Yesterday's clouds and dark sky don't seem to have materialized into anything sinister which is nice.
We have COLD PLAY playing on the laptop in the background and Mike made us a great St. Helenian pork roast with all the trimmings for our Sunday night dinner. Toby has the dishes under control and I'm on comms duty. Pandora has her paints out, so no plain white paper is safe.
Recently we have been able to have some High frequency radio chats with my cousin Michael Ferguson and his wife Doreen who are on their way to St. Helena. Hearing his voice over the radio at 0430 in the morning is the most welcome voice ever. it's the highlight of the watch. We have left Michael and Doreen some treasures on the island to find; can't wait to hear how they have fared in getting them..
The fact that the kids are missing school is weighing heavy on our minds, we are doing all we can to get there as fast as possible. Of course they are learning lots of other stuff, but missing school at the start of term is a serious issue. Neither of them is happy to be missing school.
Take care lubbers, go and give your loved ones a hug and a kiss and let them know they are appreciated and loved...
salty sal.
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