34:18S 18:37E
Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Sun 19 Dec 2010 12:31
Ahoy landlubbers, finally managed to unbolt ourselves from the quayside and depart Cape Town. What a relief to be underway.
Despite leaving in good visibility, the fog came in and is once again threatening to hide Cape of Good Hope from us. We are about 5 miles to the east of it, with a fresh southerly breeze.
We really enjoyed our time in Simon's Town, they are a fantastic group of sailors; a really strong community. We have very fond memories of our time there.
The dreaded mal de mer seems to have taken two early casualties, I am trying a new tactic by following an old navy recommendation of wearing an ear plug in only one ear. the problem is that I miss about half of what is being said to me. I said I miss about half of what is being said to me.
Must run for now my little land crabs; I have left Mike alone on the deck: he's just made some adjustments so we are clipping along at 6.3 knots.
over and out
salty sal
PS we managed to fix the DVD player before we left so now we have sound AND picture, can you believe the hand brake cable had become disconnected and the system has been designed to not play a picture if the hand brake cable is not connected. unbelievable !!
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