24:40S 00:37W

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Tue 16 Feb 2010 21:05
Well, what a ride we are having out here. Our wind, which had been pretty steady until now gave us a fair run for our money this morning. When I went off watch this morning at 0600, I had just turned the engine on due to lack of wind. I went back to bed for the second half of my night's sleep. By 08:30 the wind had gone up to 28 knots , from the south east. Amok # 2 out.
So all day we have plodded along at a mere 6 knots storming through a squall or 2. Sea sickness was nearly rearing its head with Pandora and Toby due to the big waves. At lunchtime Mikey made pork sandwiches. Toby and Pandora were too seasick to eat anything and sat up in the cockpit. Toby has a method of closing his eyes, where as Pandora crouched feebly with her neck protruding at an unhealthy length to breathe fresh air. She spent the remaining lunchtime looking over at the pork sarnies and Clam and Corn Chowder only to shudder and wince, craning her neck and sight out of the deadly "Food". Once she placed her hand behind her to lie down, only to be met with a pork sandwich, startled she yelled blue murder and regained her meercat-like posture, much to the delight of Moomar and Toby, cackling away with bits of dead pig between their teeth.
Arrrrr.....we also managed to spot a giant lobster, peering from the depths. His beady eyes watching us, plotting to nip and bite. And he was a good boy, called Lawrence. Lawrence the giant fictitious lobster. So the day brought squall after squall, which is easily identified from the vessel as a long black cloud, shifting suspiciously towards us, almost in a menacing manner. Presently we sail due south. Heading straight for the lowlands. Amok #3 out.
Mal de mer has been causing 'allucinations amongst the crew.
We have just had a long conversation on the SSB with cousin Mike and Doreen on board their yacht St Leger enroute Cape Town to St Helena. We passed each other by about 400 miles. We are on the windward route to Cape Town, they are on the rhumb line route. We all had a good chat which was great.
Pandora has just made an orange desert which I am looking forward to eating. Amok #1 out.
Good evening landlubbers, no fish today unfortunately seas were very rough and wind was high 20s. hopefully will do some fishing tomorrow if weather improves.
Just heard a story from my mum's cousin about him catching a 14kg barracuda without putting a hook in the water, the story goes that a small group of bait fish hovering in the shadows of his boat and the barracuda jumped up to catch the bait fish and landed on his deck with gigantic thud. Him and his wife rushed up on deck to find a 14kg barracuda, instantly Mike Ferguson cut the gills out of the fish and had barracuda on the barby for suppa.
Amok #4 over and out =)
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