39:47S 095:17E
Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Mon 24 Jan 2011 13:46
Well the Blue team set the bar on the old gourmon front yesterday serving up canard du orange and ginger Ju avec roasted potatoes and dressed carrot poopettes, very closely followed by Blue Tiger Krombol com pomme and icecream and cream. Wallah magnifico !
Busy day with the intrepid mast climber Tmobes going to the mast top to release the Genoa 2 halyard so that we could drag the yankee off the deck and back into service. Not a lot of fun on the end of a 25 meter pole moving around in a random manner. Tmobes and the rest were all relieved when he was safely on the deck.
Blast reacher had an airing today which pushed our average up to 8.4 knts. Wind is from the WSW so it is pushing us in the right direction.
We have just passed 095E and so we are now working on turning left for Freo.
Meercat dragged herself out of her bunk and rustled up a box of rock cakes and an iced chocolate cake which we had for desert with icecream, yum yum!
Enough for today sleep time ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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