8:17S 14:17W

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Mon 25 Jan 2010 17:50
We had such a fantastic time. Everybody is so very friendly and many of the locals were extremely generous with their hospitality. We had the amazing experience of meeting Michele and Steve, originally from Redruth and Falmouth in Cornwall, who are island residents, who took us under their wing and generally washed, fed and watered us. It was such a pleasure to have fresh clean clothes and fresh clean bodies (without worrying about water rations), then topped with the most wonderful chicken curry.
We attempted to leave on Sunday, but no such luck as we were invited to a turkey fry-up thanks to Dungie and Eddie. This was a whole turkey, deep fried in a large pot overtop of a single propane burner. It was incredible. Eddie's mom sent it to him from the states and this was the inaugural fry up. We felt very honoured to be a part of it.
The boat landing from hell did get easier, it failed to claim any victims, though it was touch and go with me on a couple of occasions.
Any way lubbers, I have a paella burbling away on the cooker, so must ensure it is not sticking.
take care til next time,
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