39:00S 097:52E

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Tue 25 Jan 2011 13:29
Hello little starfish,
We have been stomping along quite merrily today at somewhere between 7 and 8 knots with a lovely SW/WSW breeze blowing us along. We are on the autohelm as the windvane struggles with these sorts of speeds and sea conditions. The downside is that it is power hungry and has no regard for where the wind is coming from, which can lead to some unintentional gybes if we are not careful. The sole piece of humour in the accidental gybe (totally disregarding the safety aspect of course), is that the track we produce on the electronic chart plotter ends up with a loop de loop. While one hopes the crew can sleep through the accidental gybe at night (wishful thinking - Ed), hiding the loop de loop when it is a hard and fast fact on the screen is something else altogether. We really ought to get technical merit and artistic impression marks for these things, or at least marks on how bad/prolonged the recovery was.
Meerkat's alter egos have coming out in numbers in the last day or so; it must be pre-arrival euphoria /excitement that her captivity is nearly at an end. We've had Johnny Two legs and some new lass from Yorkshire who has yet to introduce herself; she does however seem to know alot about driving and Australian rules of the road. Meerkat fell out of bed this morning akin to a high speed pancake, then appeared in the saloon cabin at 7:30 am to complain about it.
Tmoby has had his head buried in the Millenium trilogy books for a days now; for those of you who haven't yet read this trilogy; it cannot come with a higher recommendation. Go out and buy it now.
Dinner has just been called by the Blue Tigers, and we know not to dawdle.
UPDATE!!! Meerkat has just saved the day by grabbing the pear crumble as it nearly became a broach catastrophe. I lunged for it as well, but wasn't as quick as MK. no extra quips required here readers...I may not be quick but I have wisdom and grey hair to prove it...
Salty Sal and her land loving pals
ps love and best wishes to JC in YYC.
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