34:00S 123:09E

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Fri 22 Nov 2013 10:49
Greetings from Amok. We are located in Arid Bay, where we anchored up here today about 4pm. Once again, we are off 2 or 3 magnificent isolated beaches and the only boat in the anchorage.
Today is the 3rd day in a row that we've battled against Easterlies ranging from 20 to 30 knots. Particularly challenging when this is exactly the direction we are wanting to go. We have an easterly swell of around 2-3 metres which knocks us back a bit.
The blue team lucked out with their dinner preparations tonight, with a fishing boat coming alongside at 5pm, offering us 2 massive Queen Snapper and 3 smaller borefish in exchange for 4 beers. It was a win win situation.
Mount Arid is offering us some protection from the Easterlies, which allegedly should go NE tomorrow, with a SW wind forecast for Sunday which we'll use to start us on our way across the bight.
The oven was playing stupid games again today, it seems to dislike the motion, but started up again in the anchorage. Cursed thing.
So the story of the cabbage goes like this; Pandora was lying on the saloon port berth the other day, suffering from seasickness, when the boat took a bad lurch to port. The vegetable net was unable to contain all of its booty, and a large cabbage was able to escape the edges. It flew out and managed to land fair and square on the ear of an unsuspecting Pandora. She shrieked (which scared the pants off all of us), as initially, we didn't see what had caused the pain. Only when we saw the wayward cabbage to leeward, did we put 2 and 2 together. The fact that it landed on her ear when she was asleep, well you can only imagine the shock she got. There were small mercies in that its outer leaves were still green and didn't leave any slime when it hit...
hope everybody is all good,
love and hugs all round
Salty Sal
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