40:46S 067:42E

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Tue 11 Jan 2011 17:44
*the day began with the early rising of sun, concealed behind the surly clouds, which begin to assemble and plot on what the day will bring for the chirpy crew onboard AMOK*
Arrr...me hearties ! What a fine day we 'ave 'ad on board 'MOK 'uday !!
We began the day by trying to resolve the small issue of the yankee, which refused to be taken down or furled, and instead delights in being out all day, every day. Tmoby was winched up the mast to have a look why she wouldn't come down and concluded there is something mysterious in the mast preventing such movement. Unfortunately Tmoby was ordered by Captain to slash her throat and it was done. Meerkat was issued as in-betweener between Tmoby and Captain (who were 80ft apart with winds whirling by) as well as professional photographer, with Salty Sal the Sea dog being issued the job of hoister of Tmoby.
This great, exciting event took up the whole morning, delaying breakfast to lunchtime-Who can complain about porridge for lunch ! (not me, *adopts strong Aberdonian accent* for I wis bairn in the land of the Thistles-Scotland)
Anyhoo, today is also the grand day that the Captain's fair Maiden of a Mother (Edna Jones) who celebrates her 89th year of being on Planet Earth-WONDERFUL !!! We harpoon our love from the Southern Ocean.
Oh, and some exciting news-just to recap on yesterday, We were lucky enough to spot some Whales. Actually Tmoby spotted them, then the rest of us followed suit. The duty of dishwashing for the girls was hastily abandoned whilst Captain, meandering on the Deck decides to follow also. The next fifteen minutes were spent with Tmoby and myself screeching and Shrieking whenever we saw the magnificent creatures. Stirling buzzed in the background whilst Captain spent five minutes finding his camera.
What appeared to be dark shapes under water became a glorious whale ! They would rise and break the surface with an almighty noisy blow of air and water and other unidentifiable molecules. We thought there must have been about five or six Whales ranging from ten to fifty feet. The closest one was the baby Whale which must have been very curious for he came about ten feet away followed by a wink from his eye. We are still trying to identify what kind of whales we saw, other that them being ginormous. Possibly Blue whales.
We were honored to eat Pronghorn for dinner. You will have to google that one folks.
Cookie making and pita bread cooking was also on the agenda.
Meerkat reporting from Chart Table.
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