39:55S 87:06E

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Fri 21 Jan 2011 22:36

Per Graham’s message below:


They are all well on board.

They can expect S wind until Sat when the high 1030 moves to above 40* then they should have winds from the SW swing to the W and NW and back to SW up at least Monday 31st. they should be able to make good time.


Laura is still not able to receive e-mail due to on board noise and their remote location.

I can still hear them on the radio but they can’t hear me for the same reason – a friend in Aus Bob VK6KW is now relaying the weather to them, which I email daily to them


Position at 11:35 UTC 39-55.00E & 087-06E

Wind S 20-30 Knt

Bar 1019

Temp 23c

Cloud 65%

Heading 097 at 5Knt

Sea state 2-3 m


Sunny Jim!