33:56S 122:34E
Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Thu 21 Nov 2013 11:36
We are lying in a small anchorage under the SW corner of Mt Belcher, WA.
Another day of 25-30 knots directly from the East. Lots of swell.
We ended up dropping the anchor around mid-day, then ventured off to the beach where we had an impromptu beach barbeque, complete with barbequed lamb, baked potatoes and the ubiquitous shrimp. I know that shrimps don't really go with lamb and baked potatoes, but what sort of new Australians would we be, if we had a beach barbeque without shrimps?
Meerkat, Moby and Salty Sal built a drift wood fire, then cooked everything (and had a few beers) then took it back to the boat. The Captain elected to stay with a temperamental generator which cut out on us earlier today. It seemed the radiator cap had become loose, and it had lost its coolant.
All good now.
The forecast from the bureau of met says we have another 2 days of 20-30 knots of Easterlies. this makes the going difficult and requires lots of tacking. non sailors should understand this means "No champagne today"...
Salty Sal is suffering from driving desk for too long, and everybody has worked out that everytime the Skipper shouts ready about, she always makes her way quickly to the windward sheet, so as to avoid the arduous task of winching in on the new tack. Non sailors should understand this means "wimping out"....
Meerkat got hit by a flying vegetable the other day, but I would be stealing her thunder if I wrote about it, so will leave this tale of woe for her to tell you...
love from all onboard Amok
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