6:52S 14:30W

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Wed 20 Jan 2010 20:37
Greetings dahlink lubbers,

We hope to make land fall tomorrow; Ascension Island before noon. It seems like we've been traveling to Ascension forever. We are following the windshifts carefully to ensure that the full advantage is gained, which means fairly frequent tacking. Windward sailing, YUM.

Etiquette onboard seems to have dropped to an all time low, we are all desperate to see some new faces. We chatted to a Maersk ship earlier this evening who put our minds at rest about the possibility of buying some food on Ascension Island. He also mentioned that there were lots of bars, but strangely, we are more interested in food than booze just now.

After much debate, we have split up into two teams for cooking and washing up; girls and boys. One day the girls do all cooking and washing up, with the boys have a rest day, then the next day, it's their turn with the girls playing Lady Mucks. It simplifies things in knowing who is meant to be doing what.

We are storming along at about 7 knots with the yankee, staysail and main going to windward. The wind picked up this afternoon to just under 20 knots which is exactly what we needed.

It has been very hot and sunny. We didn't manage to get a sun shade built before we left Falmouth, so have been making up one each morning with a duvet cover and a table cloth. It makes us look very gypsy like, the beauty of being so far from land is that nobody can see what it looks like. It bears a striking resemblance to the dens and caves we used to make as kids.

hope you are keeping cool if in the South and keeping warm if in the North.
fair winds,

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