28:07N 15:25W

Tales of Amok's Adventures
Mike Jones
Wed 16 Dec 2009 21:43
Well me hearties, We have good news !!
Today a tall, dark and handsome spanish angel fixed our "wind doofer".
This managed to brighten Moomars day as well as putting a smacking smile
on her face.
As you all know I have taken quite a liking to the label maker. I waste my
time making labels such as "toaster" and "sweaty Betty". Yesterday I
decided to make "Mikey" and plastered the bright yellow sticker on the top
of Dads sailing shoe, just in case he forgot who he was. *eye rolls*
Today whilst our spanish angel was up the mast, trying to fix the "wind
doofer" (angel who does not speak ANY english) he referred to Dad as
"MIKEY", much to Dad's surprise as the only person that calls Princess
this is Mom. Apparently spanish angel upon meeting Dad had made several
glances at his left shoe.
Last night we all went out for a pizza. I befriended one of the waiters
and asked "good english?" He replied " Yes, more or less". I asked him how
to say "what is your name ?" in spanish and upon learning how to ask I
did. He said "Mario" followed by him asking me what my name was. For a
joke I said Luigi and he believed me. But unfortunately he misheard me and
thought I said "Loogy" After hearing him say that my name was "loogy" I
burst into laughter and was unable to speak for the next 20 seconds. He
started to look quite scared and didnt understand why I was laughing.
This event finished by me being able to tell him my name wasnt LUIGI and
that I was only joking. He replied with " CIE !!! I AM MARIO !! I GRAB THE
STAR AND RUN !!!!!" *another 20 seconds of laughter*
Anyhoo after this, Dad went home on his beloved bicycle leaving Mom, TObs
and I to walk back. Whilst Mom and I were walking we watched the
impressive act of Dad cycling past a car and TOby jumping out and waving
his arms in a wild frenzy ;)
This was then followed by Toby finding his party trick involving some kind
of walk where he shakes his butt and waves his arms in the air. He looks
like a cave man/piece of sea weed that moves fluidly in the current.
Mom and I made him do this for the rest of the walk, much to Toby's
Today Toby and I went Christmas shopping and Mom fullfiled her fantasy of
electrocuting Dad a few times, just to make sure the 24 volt was connected
or something like that...Oh and they have been married 21 years today.
Righto, over and out !!