ARC + 21
Sun 12 Dec 2010 16:48
We have had some issues over the last 48 hours
which we hope we have now got under control lest you girls at home think this is
just a jolly!.
The spinnaker pole mast fitting car failure has set
us back some because we have not been able to sail direct
downwind. Our course looks like a drunk's late night stagger home.
James and Lawrence have fitted the car back to the track on the mast with straps
and we have now got the genoa poled out and we are back on course with 500 miles
to go.
There has also been a massive drying and cleaning
session today after yesterday's water ingress disaster. Skipper now
has a new procedure in place for hatch control!
We have got our battery charging backunder control
having worked that it is the bow light which has water in it and
shorting. We sail with the anchor light now because the
tricolour has failed, probably because the LED bulb is too heavy for the bayonet
socket we think.
We are still eating well, now out of tins and we
are knocking off them miles at between 6 and 7 knts at the moment.
The wind is expected to reduce and we are still hoping
for arrival on wednesday.