ARC minus 1

Sat 20 Nov 2010 15:57
It hardly seems possible that within 24 hours we
will be under way having started what is probably the greatest adventure we will
ever undertake. Excitement is mounting and we just want to go. With
a Yachtmaster (James), a Yachmaster Instructor (Nick) and a very experienced
Lawrence on board, Skipper has a fine crew. As I write they are
doing last minute jobs with electric drills and much tying of ropes to
secure our extra fuel. We are carrying in excess of 300 litres
altogether which will give us about 150 hours on engine at 1800 revs.
Since the wind is predicted to be at the middle to lower end of the scale
on this trip we may be pleased to have that fuel to keep going in the
We had the Skippers briefing this morning. Going
with the ARC is most definitely a great way to cross the Atlantic.
The organisation and support is superb and the parties are not bad! Last
night there was a farewell party at the 'local' sailing Club. This
is far cry from any sailing club I have ever been in with an olympic
swimming pool, huge terrace for over 1000 people overlooking the harbour and a
dinghy park that would take several thousand Lymington scows!
The start tomorrow will be at 1300hrs and we
We hope to take some pictures of the start to put
on the blog.
RARA says Nick.
Skipper |