Roseau Botanical Gardens.

Thu 28 Feb 2008 10:59
Picnic in the Botanical Gardens. Will, Sarah, me, stray dog and John.
Bev and Sarah in front of the Convent School where my mother used to teach and my sisters, Alison and Louise, used to attend.
The squashed yellow school bus. Tree alive and well.
Still has the sticker on the side ' A gift from Canada'
Vandalism at it's very worst - The 'Jesus Saves' gang were here 17/7/73. I think my dad knows something about this. Fish farm inside Botanic gardens.
John looking into the tanks of dad's fish farm. As John said, 'it's funny to think Granda was over here and built all this before I was born.'
The farm is in such good condition that you could turn on the water and start fish farming today.
Exotic vegitation.
Tree with vertical branches behind Royal Palm.