Puffer re-emerges (just)

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Wed 13 Dec 2006 12:06
131206 12:00 UTC
15.13N 52.10W

Well the big news from yesterday was that we raised the Parasailor again.
This is the first time since the day 1 escapades. It was very successful and
a lot more efficient this time but......the wind died after 5 minutes and we
had to bring her back on board to save her from getting wet. She shall fly
before we are finished.
Angus had stayed up after his watch and by the time we had everything done
he was past the point of no return when the simple hand/brain coordination
of pulling a rope was too much that he just stood there and laughed. At
least our final response in these situations is always to laugh and I think
that says a lot for the crew (is hysteria a medical condition?).
There is more wildlife around than of past which is always nice to see and
the fish are winning the fishing contest (3 lures to 1 fish so far).
Delphine with the dreadlocks will go out today to seek revenge.
We continue to motor as there is no real wind to speak of and we have Sandra
back with us today having taken a leave of absence in a decidedly good book.