Monday 12th December - Day 22 - Clean Pants

Cara of the South - Westward Ho!
Gary O'Grady
Tue 13 Dec 2022 19:55
We covered 124 miles today which gets us under the 1000 miles to go marker at 993 left. I reckon about 8 days and we should be in. Although the sea state has changed quite a bit and the wind picked up meaning we can't fly the parasailor and are now on white sails with the inevitable slowness resulting compared to the parasailor. We're under full genoa and reefed main in 18-20 knots of wind average.
I lost my unspillable mug in a fit of rage today after just too many cockpit coffee related incidences. Its supposed to keep all its contents in even if knocked over but on almost every occasion its spilling beverage everywhere. The last straw was today when it purposefully jumped in to the cockpit whilst removing its lid mid flight dispensing once more a deluge of coffee over everything. I gathered it all up (being in bits now) and cast it long and far in to the watery depths as a donation to coffee time with Davey Jones.
Weed Report: Yes lots of weed, no fishing.