
Wed 18 Nov 2015 07:42
We had a great day at the top of the Rock in the glorious sunshine, we took our bold up bikes in the cable car and free wheeled down after getting the obligatory photo of an ape and James having to wrestle the ruck sack out of the clutches of a cheeky one!

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After fuelling up, we left Gib to brilliant sunshine and light winds bound for Puerto Santo. The winds and waves quickly increased in the Straits to 35knots and having snapped a baton in the mainsail we decided to take shelter from the Levanter in A bay in Tarifa 36:00.48N 005:36.55W, we dropped the pick at sunset and James spent the night checking the anchor lines every few hours during the nights whilst the winds blew.....turns our Tarifa is the windiest place on earth!...of course it is.

Early the following morning James suggested 'we puttle up the coast' to the nearest marina of Barbate.

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