All Hell breaks loose in Pavoa !!

Thu 14 Jun 2007 16:30
Wednesday the 13th and presentation of prizes
tonight in the yacht club. It's been quite windy all day and forecast that it
may get a little rough, so extra lines and fenders on the boat are the order for
the day. Off we happily trotted to the "do" all dressed up in our finest
waterproofs as by now it's absolutely belting down again. A jolly evening ensued
helped along by reasonable quantities of free Beer and Wine. Some very dubious
and loud sing alongs and the atmosphere jovial.
However the partly drunken state of most of the
members of the rally was soon to forgotten as word filtered back that the yachts
were taking a bit of a battering. Needless to say the majority grabbed the
waterproofs and headed off into the night. It was bloody horrendous, lashing
down with rain and a Force 9 wind blowing across the marina. The yachts were
indeed taking a battering and everyone mucked in helping to double up lines, add
more fenders and generally help where possible. It was a bit like a scene from a
disaster movie with lots of oil skinned people bending into the wind and helping
each other out. Needless to say it wasn't the most peaceful of nights and I was
still up and about checking things out about 03:30. Having to be on a coach for
a trip to Porto at 09:15 this morning, wasn't , if I'm honest, high on the list
of "things I want to do"
Off tomorrow for the next 75 mile leg (after a
night in the Casino tonight)
Off to check the weather