Rob Blog....

Thu 6 Dec 2007 11:42

Well, its day 10 of our Atlantic adventure, and all is well with the world. I (Rob) have just arisen from my afternoon sleep, having first enjoyed the delights of our half-way celebratory lunch. Tuna sandwiches and crisps, followed by… yes you guessed it, Mars Bar ice-cream, accompanied by a couple of Wine Gums, thrown in for good measure… heaven!

The weather, as you’ve been reading, has changed over the last day, and the winds are picking up. We are also expecting extended rain over the next 24 hours, so sail choices are being made as I type, more specifically, when do we take the Parasail down, (or the sausage, as it’s become more affectionately known).

Time wise, we are making good progress with the fresher and more consistent winds, which is forecast to continue.

Everybody is in high spirits,  not withstanding our disturbed sleep patterns, which takes some getting used to, and is set to be compounded over the next few days with the current weather conditions.

All in all far, cry from the more predictable conditions of Lake Windermere.

