42:07:21N 08:50:53W

Fri 13 Jul 2012 10:56
Hello friends and loved ones,

We reached our destination of Baiona NW Spain in the early hours of Thursday morning 12 July. It was a fast passage of a bit less than 8 days much of it with the boat at or close to its top hull speed and sometimes exceeding it; if that is theoretically possible. Certainly the GPS showed our speed over ground in excess of 8 knots on rare occasions and over 7 knots many times more. We were often reefed, sometimes with three reefs in but more usually 2 or 1. Our usual cruising speed was around 5 to 6 knots. The boat was excellent and performed as Rustlers are well known for in all conditions we encountered. The largest swells I saw were abhout 4.5 metres from trough to crest but more often swells were between around 1 and 3 metres. We did have a few calm periods but thankfully not many. 

Itś now Friday and overcast with some light drizzle but yesterday was beautiful and sunny. At least itś warm though and we all agree Baiona is a very nice place to be indeed and well worth a visit.  

Thatś all from this part of the voyage; Iĺl be flying home on Tuesday 17th July and Graham and Bill will eventually be taking the boat back to its home port of Falmouth after some sailing with their families.

Best wishes.
Alan + Graham and Bill