Blog mag High Seas to Salvador

Avocet's Adventures Around the World
Derry Ryder
Wed 4 Feb 2015 17:42
Hi all, just a quick update to let you
know we are still on the high seas heading ' 'west along'' as they say in
Kerry, for Salvador, Brazil.401 NM to go so hopefuly if winds permit we should
be there on this Sat.
Our position is 12 49 257S 031 38 675 W. Our speed
has increased quite well over past 24 hrs, we are flying the Parasailor, which
is great and doing its job. Our fishing is not so good, 1 big one that got
away!!. 1 small mahi mahi which we kissed and sent back to its
We forgot to mention that the Auto Pilot burnt out on the
leg to St Helena, and Derry of course, had a spare new one in his cabin, which
Cameron installed without much fuss or bother.
All is well on board Avocet,DV. Love to all our
followers...Derry, Donnacha,Margaret,Cameron.