Avocet's Adventures Around the World
Derry Ryder
Mon 7 Mar 2011 20:36
hi from florida a little tale.....we were in cuba and on
arrival customs took and repeipted our flares etc in trier box and when we were
leaving gave the box back .i opened i`t and counted and allm present and
accounted for ...however in florida i decided to check the expiry date as the
box was out .surprise....the flares were outof date since 2005 ..we bought our
flares in2008 with a five year life.they had been switched ...its a game they
confiscate all out of date flares and will sell you in date flares which they
had swopped on somebody else ...neat money earner.we wer rammed last night by a
small 20 footer at three in morning small fokal mark and scratch
... generator is withmase main dealer needs new stator ,,on way from
italy all his gear here is 60 cycle and 115 volts but machine getting full
service.weather her is like a good summer in ireland not too hot but nice.had a
visit from eamon beattie and also from david cheryl and sofia nice to see some
family .will leave here as soon as genny is ready keep well