FISH! and internatonal dateline crossed
18:29.90S 173:56.9W Finally we caught a fish. And what a fish!! A 40
kilo big eye tuna. It was quite a sight watching the crew land and filet
the fish on the back deck while it was gusting 25 knots, and we were rolling over
big waves at 8 plus knots. This thing was huge. We filled 4 big zip
lock bags and cooked much for an early dinner. The sun then came out for the
first time all day and the wind went more south, (permitting us to lay our
course directly (which means head straight for it), and we settled into a
beautiful end of this leg. All the fish have been caught using the same lure, even
though it has been mangled by each victim. At 6:14pm we crossed the international dateline and suitably
celebrated the jump from Wednesday night to Thursday night with a gift of a
little beer to the ocean. (It is now 4am Friday morning for us, but 11am
Thursday morning in We have now arrived at our first Yesterday evening’s sail was beautiful; small waves,
17 knots wind, 8-9 knots of boat speed amidst a setting sun. This is what
we come out here for. It is good we are getting in early, on Friday, ecause
customs and immigratin are closed on weekends. If you arrive at that time, you
must remain on your boat until they reopen on Monday. Tough on crew
morale to be tied up and not being able to get off because you are still in quarantine.
Incidentally, when one arrives, one must fly the yellow quarantine flag until
checked in,so everyone knows you may be diseased. babaelfish |