onto marlon brando's island

15:27.80S 149:03.60W I am writing this about 2 hours earlier than normal because
we seem to be low on power and so have turned on the generator early. In
other words, over 24 hours, we will have done another 15 miles in addition to
whast we have done since 9pm our time last night.. Earlier today, we passed the Tuomoto “dangerous archipelago”
waypoint. We passed within 20 miles of Mataiva, the most outlying island.
That was good; given a 10 mile imprecision in charts. Now we are aiming near, but hopefully, not at, brando’s
island, which is about 90 miles away. Everyone is getting restless about getting
ashore; I have to keep reminding some that staring at the gps is like staring
at a pot; you won’t get what you want. NO fish caught today.
Some talk of seeing mermaids. I guess it has been a long 15 days at sea. The value of paper charts is showing itself; Brando’s
island does not even appear on the electronic chart. What are you
thinking, Raymarine? Tonight, we had pesto with fusili. More good cooking. The wind gods have blessed us so far; I hope they continue
to do so. Now sailing with 3 reefs and most of the genoa. Tomorrow promises to be a big day. But first we have
to negotiate brando’s. babelfish |