good morning thurs at 5am

24:25.00S 174:01.00E Good morning thurs at 5am This will be short as I have to go do watch soon.
We are still having heavy weather, 27 knots from se, so on
the nose with huge swells. It seems we are in the bottom of a saucer of ocean
with the water curving up on all sides. Bruce is fine and made his world
famous French toast for breakfast. Thom and Rob are still feeling slightly effects
of motion or something else they maintain. We have covered about 500 miles and have about 600 to go. We have been near a boat, about 12 miles away, the whole
trip whose name, he says is from the Lion King, something like Mefiso. Could
someone clarify for me, because it is embarrassing to keep asking him and I
call him on the radio 2x daily. He is a c and c 51. Alas, we have a hot water heater, but now no radar. Gps is
through handheld. Actually, so far the ride has been smooth. When the motor
was on for charging, I at times felt like I was on a train being pulled forward
without the sideways clacketty clack; except for the twice hourly bump of a big
wave. Weather today to be rainy, then nice and calm for 2 days,
and then big unknown for final day or so. Soon babelfish |