36:50.25S 174:44.92E Tied up in “ We tied up this morning; actually twice because the first
marina had no facilities, but we are now in Westhaven, a huge marina; 20
minute walk from downtown with all sorts of amenities. Given NZ rules, no
using the head in dock so we needed a place with provision of such and so we
are bere and babelfish looks great after its 8000 miles. The crew doesn’t
look too bad either. Robert flew off to the south island just now
and Tony and Bruce fly home Nov 4. Thom has appointments tomorrow with
experts on generator, thrust bearing, and chart plotter. Its been a hell of a trip, and too soon for reflections, but
those are to come. Have to go meet the others for shore side meal, so,
later. Thankyou all for following us; it provided support and a community
along the way knowing someone was interested in babelfish, especially on some
dark nights. babelfish |