what is where and when is when?

tony zwig
Sun 1 Jul 2007 18:12




The subject refers to two mind twisters we have.  We have been diligently charting our positions and where possible, usually, checking islands and reefs and etc on on paper charts, the electronic charts and guide books.  We then have been laying courses assuming we are giving these landmarks or obstructions wide berths and allowances.  Now all over the  paper charts for this area, there are notations referring to a reef or island, saying notwithstanding the charted position, the “real” postion has been reported has couple of miles this way or that.   Very surprising and disconcerting in this day of digital mapping and google earth.  Anyway, more work for plotting.

As to when; we have read over and over that Tonga is over the international dateline and that means it is a day ahead.  I had forgotten that in my many calculations of when we would arrive there; which is the final destination of this leg of the voyage.  It finally dawned (no pun) on me yesterday that I needed to adjust my calculations.  It was the note that Tonga is gmt+13 hours whereas everything else on the trip has been gmt-some hours.

WE are 330 miles from Niue.  New weather report is not great a few days out.  Another low from the south.  Hope it permits us to stop at Nieu whose best shelter is from east winds.  Alittle trouble with the head used by everyone, but I think is solved now. It has done nearly 6000 miles with 3 or 4 users.

We are getting separated from our SSB friends and radio connection is getting harder.  Will try again this morning.


Ps Jordan made a very good dinner despite lots of well intentioned advice. (tuna with rice pasta)