175 miles to go

32:12.88S 174:02.80E 175 miles to go 5am Sunday So, I guess that’s progress. The weather didn’t
behave exactly as “promised”; yesterday was a bit rougher than
forecast but the last few hours have been calm again. We have been
motoring since 2200 (10pm) Thursday night which is 55 hours to now at 5am
Sunday. Up to now, on the whole trip, we had only motored 300 hours,
including all the time we used the motor to charge on the trips to One sobering lesson about the dolphin experience; as I said,
I was jumping and hollering on the deck, but neither the person sleeping in the
cockpit or those down below, heard me over the motor. This focuses one on
the chance of alerting someone if you falloff. I just read an update on weather, that says we may get heavy
seas today, but from the east, which is better than the southerlies we have
been getting. We are fortunate to have 900 litres of fuel capacity.
We have drained one 300 litre tank, are halfway through the 350 litre tank, and
have another 250 litres. Some of the boats that had been motoring have
returned to sailing because of fuel concerns. Last night we had vegy chili and spaghetti. Thom and
Robert seem to continue to improve. And lastly, I seem to have trouble counting. My last
watch last night ended at 10pm. While in my cabin, I counted out the 6
hours to my next watch and dressed and reappeared in the cockpit at 2am; except
, as Thom pointed out, it was Bruce’s watch. I was not due up until
4am. As Thom said, “ I was just keen”. So, back I went
to my cabin, undressed and went to bed, again. This time I reappeared half
hour late, but Bruce, whose watch I had tried to snafu, was understanding. The Kiwis (New Zealanders) are very strict about importing
food stuffs and we hear and read that all fresh, frozen, and refrigerated food
must be forfeited. I have great difficulty understanding the other
boaters on the radio; the SSB is staticy (lots of static) anyway, but the
combination with the Kiwi accent makes for Herculean efforts at understanding
and lots of spelling in phonetics a la ‘alpha, bravo, Charlie, etc’
Subject to weather, expect arrival 27 hours, ie Monday
morning 8am babelfish |