left yesterday at 11am
19:52.58S 176:04.50E Tuesday at 9am Left yesterday at 11am We left amidst sunshine and full of food. Babelfish sailed well with 3 reefs and a tiny bit of rolled
out jib. There were many huge swells but only a handful of times when she
hit the waves with a thud. A couple broke over the boat so the foot of my
berth was wet that had traveled down the air vent. Just after we exited the reef the light on the E120
raymarine screen that carries our chart plotter, position, speed and direction
data, and radar lost 90% of its brightness and now is really totally
unreadable. We can and did replace the position and speed reporting with
the handheld gps but the radar is more problematic. We can get it to come
out on the screen from the computer I am using now to write this, but still
have to remember how to operate it from down here. Last night I was using
the computer screen to guide me on pushing the soft keys (those are the ones
indicated on the bottom of the screen) on the E120 screen in the cockpit where they
are not readable. Last night had two chats with nearby boats, both going to
NZ, their home. ONE is 102 feet and the other C and C 51. We exited
the reef with the 102 foot and then quickly lost sight of him. The other
seemed to catch us up on the middle of the night. It is comforting and
gives a warm feeling to find other souls to chat to out here. This trip
is different from the others; the weather, if it could have a character, is
more menacing. Even as the winds have turned more easterly from south,
our south track means they are a close reach with the resulting increased
apparent wind strength and less comfortable swell. We have to watch
weather conditions and how they form up as we move south as they can be extreme
in their winds and waves. Not exactly the downwind ride across the
Pacific. Now, have to go figure out getting the radar onto this
screen. All are well today, Babelfish |