music by the moon and stars
04:17.00S 148:08.60W Thom and Tristan are playing guitars harnessed onto the aft
deck, and singing by the natural skylight; a normal evening activity here..
We still have lots (15 knots) of apparent wind from a
favorable direction so we are fortunate. This is especially so because
the grib files all show no wind or very light wind from due south. There
is till time for them to be right. Tonight Tristan cooked the rest of the mahi mahi and served
it with pasta. Today, most went swimming after we took down the sails to
slow the boat to check the prop; it is making funny noises. We finally
located the source of the bad smell near the mast; a bag of very rotten
avocadoes we forgot we had. Today, we did a successful running fix of the
sun with the sextant. We got our fix to be closer than 6/10 mile from the
GPS position. Still making water out of…. We are doing 8 knots and the water rushing by the hull
continues to demand attention. As I was talking with Tristan, the significant change out
here, is one goes from the normal land based life where “time” is
the precious, evanescent and insufficient priority; to our sea going existence where
“time” is almost infinite, in excessive quantities, and the
challenge is to fill it to advantage. Some have an easier time than
others. No fish caught today. I see the crew is now reading the guide book to babelfish |