bad winds?

18:34.0S 172:10.0W There really are no bad winds; there are just winds from bad
directions. It is just that for the last 18 hours the winds have been
from a bad direction; exactly where we want to go. This means we can’t
go there, or at least not directly anyway. Having had to pass Raratonga and
Nieu for this reason, the crew is getting impatient. Yesterday we did the
unthinkable and put on the motor and have been motoring into the wind for the past
18 hours. At first, just noisy and not fun when the winds were calm; now
that it is blowing 20 knots, it is also quite bumpy. We are 20 miles from
another reef type obstruction (I say reef type because it is called a seamount
on the chart and don’t know what it really is, but will go around it
anyway) and then another 80 miles to We won’t see much, if any, of Thursday, as we are now
approaching the dateline. It is now noon Wednesday, and in 12 hours it
will be FRIDAY morning. In the vernacular; cool. Babelfish Ps finished the light, |