Mina2 Honours Her Heroes at Glittering Awards Ceremony

Mina2 Honours Her Heroes at Glittering Awards
Date: 29 September 2012
At the End Of Cruise to End All Cruises Party, hailed as The Party Of The Century, the heroes of the Mina2 Great Southern Expedition were honoured at a glittering Gold Star Awards ceremony. In the presence of all those who have helped Mina2 sail 33,000 miles from the Arctic to the Antarctic and most places in between, no fewer than nine of the coveted Mina2 Gold Stars were awarded.
Mina2 Gold Stars are the cruising equivalent of a combination of the Victoria Cross and an Olympic Gold medal. As rare as hens teeth, only five Gold Stars have previously been awarded. Of those honoured with this accolade today, all had endured storm force winds in excess of 50 knots in the vicious seas of the South Atlantic, Cape Horn and the dreaded Drake Passage in the Southern Ocean. The heroes were:
Falklands Hurricane Linda Andrews John Andrews
Cape Horn Storm Richard Close-Smith Venetia Kenney-Herbert (previously awarded a M2GS in 2009) Peter Barker (previously awarded a M2GS in 2009) Ewan Edwards
South Atlantic Storm Tom Mallaburn Lawrence Wells
In a surprise announcement, Tim Barker, owner and skipper of Mina2 , also awarded the most coveted of all honours, a Mina2 Lifetime Achievement Award to Ally Ford of Oyster, who has worked tirelessly with the Mina2 Expedition Team providing technical advice; sourcing unsourceable spare parts and winging them round the world to keep Mina2 surfing the waves in her record-breaking adventures. This is only the second Mina2 Lifetime Achievement Award ever to have been won. Tim Barker said, "Ally has been an invaluable member of the Mina2 Expedition Team for three years. Without her consummate support Mina2 would probably still be in the Mediterranean, dead in the water. We all owe Ally a great debt" .
The Falklands Storm Troopers - John Andrews and Linda Andrews
The Antarctic Heroes - Ewan Edwards, Peter Barker, Venetia Kenney-Herbert and Richard Close-Smith
Lawrence Wells
Tom Mallaburn
Double M2GS winners Peter Barker and Venetia Kenney-Herbert
Ally Ford - winner of the prestigious Mina2 Lifetime Achievement Award
The Wold's Most Exclusive Club Winners of the Mina2 Gold Stars with skipper Tim Barker from left to right: John Andrews, Tom Mallaburn, Downstairs Skipper, Upstairs Skipper, Peter Barker, Ally Ford, Linda Andrews, Ewan Edwards, Richard Close-Smith, Lawrence Wells (absent: Venetia Kenney-Herbert, Neil Thackray)
Other photos of the Mina2 End of Cruise To End All Cruises Party: