The Downstairs Skipper Deserts Mina2 - Snoopy Dognapped

Mina2 in the Caribbean - Where's The Ice Gone?
Tim Barker
Wed 7 Apr 2010 01:28

Date: 6 April 2010

Position:  Marina Bracuhy


Ever since we’ve been here in Marina Bracuhy, the DS and I have been bitten to death by unknown insects, and it’s poured with rain (re the insects, the only conclusion I can draw is that we have an infestation of bed bugs as a result of the appallingly unhygienic conditions in which the Downstairs area has been kept). The rain is forecast to continue for days; and it’s non-stop and torrential.


The DS said “I’ve had enough of this bloody boat, I’m leaving you. I’m going home to Mummy in Buenos Aires – and Snoopy is coming with me.”


Snoopy, faithful friend and companion for 35 years, came on board with Pete in Cape Verde, initially as Ship’s Mascot. But he threw himself into the day-to-day activities of a transatlantic passage; trimming sails, helming, keeping watch, helping in the galley and mixing the most delicious Mango bombs with a triple gin float for Venetia. The exertion nearly killed him (see blog and photo of 8 December), but he turned out to be such a valuable member of the crew that he was soon promoted from Ship’s Mascot to Ordinary Seadog.


Only last week he volunteered to stay on the boat whilst we were away and guard it in our absence.  I was touched by his devotion to duty. This is a position of some responsibility and he is, after all, nearly 250 in dog years. I immediately accepted his offer and promoted him from Ordinary Seadog to Able Seadog. The little fella was almost bursting with pride.


So when the DS started trying to stuff Snoopy into her suitcase, there was a bit of a scuffle. “No”, said Snoopy “My place is here, guarding Mina2 for My Great Leader. For the first time in my life I feel valued; I have a Position Of Responsibility. I will not let The Skipper down. I will NOT go with you”. The DS defiantly stuffed Snoopy further into her suitcase, zipped it up and left the boat.


I will miss them both.