Skipper Stands Accused of Neglecting Blogfans

Skipper Stands
Accused of Neglecting Blogfans Position:
29:18S 048:39W
Well we’re still alive – not that you would know it from any blog postings I’m afraid. And I don’t really have any excuses except that I’ve been a bit busy with this and that, and when not busy I’ve been catching up with sleep. I
last posted three days ago when the wind had swung to the northeast and we were
having to tack back and forth, but we were enjoying life in a gentle ocean
swell. Well, things changed. The wind picked up, and then the sea built. The
wind was only Force 6 – a mere zephyr compared to what we’ve grown accustomed to
over the last few months - but beating straight into it we were having to live
at a permanent 25 degree angle whilst at the same time the boat was surging up
the steep waves and then plunging into the troughs. After 36 hours of coping
with these conditions, it was becoming tiresome. The problem was that the
forecast had changed significantly and it was now forecast to stay like this for
a further four whole tossing, bone-crunching days. Worse than that, much
stronger gale force winds were forecast towards the end of the four days and at
that point we would be in the middle of a Given how tired we had all become after just a day and a half of this, and as we were approaching the large port of Rio Grande, I decided it would be prudent to change our plans: go into Rio Grande and go through the whole ghastly procedure of clearing us and the boat into Brazil and wait there until the conditions changed. We arrived in the early hours of Wednesday morning and with enormous relief tied up alongside a boat at the pontoon of the oceanographic museum. A very quick anchor nip and we all slumped into our blissfully steady bunks for a good night’s sleep. I awoke at dawn and downloaded the latest forecasts to find that the prognosis had once again changed dramatically. The intense low pressure system had weakened considerably and was moving east much more quickly which meant that rather than expecting strong winds on the nose, we could now expect light and variable winds. So, now no reason to stay, and given we had not actually been onshore, we quietly slipped our lines and beetled out of the harbour again before anyone saw us. Since then we have been able to sail quite a bit, interspersed with a bit of motoring when the winds got light. But as I type in the early hours of Friday the 13th, we have been motoring for six hours in almost no wind and it seems likely that we may be motoring for the next couple of days. Current ETA at our destination is Monday morning. For
the last few days, Mind
you, he nearly got more than he bargained for. Yesterday afternoon, Tom was on
watch. The cry went up: “Shark! Shark!!” Lawrence and I rushed up on deck to see
a large fin patrolling the water around the boat. I’d like to see
Incidentally, I had a bit of a personnel issue to deal
with a couple of days ago. Meanwhile, Pet Officer Snoopy has been taking full
advantage of his promotion. As he now outranks both Tom and Lawrence, he has
been ordering them around. |