Antarctic Photos 9 – Palmer Stat ion

Antarctic Photos 9 – Palmer Station
Palmer Station is one of the three US scientific bases in Antarctica
As we approached Palmer the brash ice was incredibly thick – we doubted whether we would get there, but we were determined to do so
Things weren’t helped by the big berg that blocked entrance to the creek
The dinghy went ahead to recce the final approaches
Eventually we give up to anchor elsewhere and dinghy in
Our chosen anchorage with two very long lines ashore – one of them came loose during the storm that night
The station had hoisted the Union Flag as a courtesy for our visit
Group shot in front of the decorated oil storage tank
The dinghy returns to Mina2 after our visit to the station
Our first sighting of the little Adelie penguins in Antarctica. They are cold loving and Palmer is the northernmost rookery – but shrinking every year. The scientists believe that there will be none left here by 2014