Antarctic Photos 11 – Miscellane ous 1

Mina2 in the Caribbean - Where's The Ice Gone?
Tim Barker
Tue 31 Jan 2012 01:14
Antarctic Photos 11 – Miscellaneous 1
Peter & Richard – every bit the Antarcticans
Dolly’s second amputation
Peter helming in icy conditions dressed as Daft Vader
… and Ewan doing a Bart Simpson impression
A bit of boat maintenance against a stunning backdrop
Ewan dressing Richard’s crushed finger
Baking Day
Ice on the rigging
… and snow on the decks
Helming in these conditions, my mind wandered back longingly to the tropics
Artistic photo of cool Richard with Antarctic refection in his glacier glasses
Intrepid Venetia with a steaming mountain behind
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