The Birds of Senegal

Date: What a wonderful relief it is to
be in the The purpose of this blog is solely to pander to the needs of any twitchers amongst you who must be gagging to know exactly which were the 74 species of bird that Colin (mainly) and I identified in the Sine Saloum delta. For his work in this valuable field, Colin was awarded the coveted Mina2 Gold Star. Here goes, in the order in which they were identified: Black Kite Grey Backed Gull Little Egret Cattle Egret Grey Heron Reef Heron Pelican White Breasted Cormorant Ruppel’s Griffon Vulture Osprey Mourning Dove Red Billed Wood Dove Lapwing Turnstone Curlew Sandpiper Caspian Tern Lesser Black Backed Gull Common Tern Little Tern Black and White Tailed Hornbill Whimbrell Grey Headed Sparrow Pied Kingfisher Blue Billed Weaver Village Weaver Barbarry Strike Blue Cheeked Bee Eater Red Eyed Dove Red Beaked Hornbill Pygmy Long Tailed Sunbird Spur Winged Plover Swamp Flycatcher Black Headed Oriole Black Crowned Tchacorce Red Cheeked Cordon Blue Longtailed Nightjar Goliath Heron Swallow (European) Longtailed Black Whydah Pied Crow Curlew Black Winged Stilt Crested Lark Pied Wagtail Sacred Ibis Pallid Harrier Grey Backed Strike Red Bishop Grey Kestrel Red Throated Bee Eater Yellow Wagtail Double Spurred Francolin Tiger Bittern White Fronted Sand Plover Ringed Plover Marsh Sandpiper Gull Billed Tern Black Headed Weaver Common Sandpiper White Wagtail Toth Billed Barbut Great Sheerwater Sooty Sheerwater Grey Backed Camoroptera Laughing Dove Speckled Pigeon Red Billed Tropic Bird Pintailed Whydah White Backed Vulture Collared Sunbird …and if there’s still anybody out
there reading this, give a thought for the poor chap who had to type all this –
and get a life! |