Búzios - the St Tropez of Brazil

Date: 13 March 2010 Position: Búzios 22:44.86S
041:53.02W We weighed anchor and left
The yacht club has a novel policy about visiting yachts using their moorings and facilities. Unusually, no charge is made, on condition that you spend at least R$25 (£10) per day per head in the restaurant and bar. As the food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) was excellent, and the caipirinhas large and potent, this didn’t represent any great problem. Búzios is about two hours drive
away from After the poverty-stricken subsistence communities which had been our sole visiting places since leaving Salvador a month ago, Vitoria and Búzios certainly were the little bit of sophistication that the Downstairs Skipper had been yearning for. Pretty as a picture, surrounded by numerous little coves with perfect beaches, it was a delightful change. Michael had been wonderful company, when we saw him. He’s like a dormouse and was seemingly capable of sleeping about 18 hours a day, waking briefly to entertain us with a succession of incredibly weak, old and corny jokes. Living off a diet of water and dried biscuits he was also very cheap to maintain – a perfect guest really. The DS and I greatly appreciated his company, particularly on the long night passages, and we were very sorry to see him leave after two weeks to return home. The DS and I stayed on for a
further day. Our next great mission was to sail to |