Antarctic Photos 5 – Water Boat Point & Paradise Harbour

Antarctic Photos 5 – Water Boat Point & Paradise Harbour
We then moved down to Water Boat Point, so named because two young scientists over-wintered here, using a whalers water boat for shelter. It is now the site of a Chilean base which we visited.
Mina2 tied into Water Boat Point
The Chilean base
A Madonna amongst the penguin rookery …
… some of which they have to themselves
This is one of the very rare leucistic (albino-like)
Gentoo penguins
Enjoying the hospitality of the friendly Chileans
We then paid a flying visit to the Argentine Base Brown (which was not manned this year) in Paradise Harbour for the crew to step foot on mainland Antarctica. Approaching base Brown we came across our old friends on Dawnbreaker.
Dawnbreaker rendezvous
which enabled us to get some photos of Mina2 under sail in Antarctica
The Argentine Base Brown – unmanned this year because they couldn’t get the generators working
The crew at the top of the hill overlooking Base Brown and Paradise Harbour. The speck to the left of Peter’s shoulder is me on Mina2. |