Channel Pics 7

Channel Pics 7
Next stop was the newly-named Caleta Mina with picturesque hiking
We saw enormous balls of krill all around the boat – shrimp-like creatures that are the staple diet of baleen whales
Andrew and the DS with their self-designed contraptions designed to catch us a tasty krill dinner. They were completely useless, as were the contraptions.
The following day, not surprisingly given the abundance of krill in the water, we saw loads of enormous Sei Whales as we made our way further east down the channel towards Estéro Fouquet
In Fouquet we saw a number of dolphins we hadn’t seen before. They turned out to be very rare Chilean Dolphins (previously known as Balck Dolphins – but they’re grey)
In Fouquet we were able to get closer than you would believe to the snout of a glacier
The two Skips head off in the dinghy for another hike
with yet more spectacular panoramas |