Happy Birthday Selina!!!

Distance Run in last 24 hrs: 134 nautical
miles Happy Birthday
Selina!! Today is my daughter’s
30th birthday. Whilst I am enjoying every second of this amazing
adventure, it is days like this in particular that I so wish that I was able to
share all these experiences with my family. One becomes absorbed in the
camaraderie of the crew, the rally community and the exciting adventure on which
we are embarking, but there is always that small hollow feeling that something
is missing. I can’t wait to reach land and mobile connectivity this afternoon
and to wish Seli a happy birthday. Nor can I wait for Peter to come out to the
Meanwhile, back on Mina2 I picked up a couple of emails
from the organisers with the positions of all the boats. At This morning, as we approached the coast of
One of the reasons we didn’t want their squid was that we have, astonishingly, given my past appalling record, caught some fish. Talking to various allegedly successful rally compatriots, the first thing to do (read this well, Linda and John) is to chuck out the very expensive rod and tackle you have just bought. All you need is a stout line (150lb to 250 lb breaking strain), attach a length of bungee as a shock absorber to the deck end, a lure to the other end and after securing the deck end to the midships cleat, chuck the line and lure over the side. Here is the clever bit. You lift the line up to the guard rail and clip it there with a clothes peg. When you get a strike, you hear the snap of the line being pulled out of the clothes peg, and then you simply haul the catch in midships. Having trolled and lost lures from my rod and tackle for months without any success at all, within minutes of dropping the simplified rig into the water we heard a snap, and pulled in a largish fish of unknown species (I’m sure someone will know when we get in). It looked like the cross between a small tuna and a very large mackerel, so for the moment we are calling it a Macktuna. As I type, I can smell it sizzling in the pan. But that wasn’t all, we chucked the lure out a second time and in minutes we were hauling in our second fish. By the time the third fish came on board, we thought we had had enough both for lunch and the freezer, so called it a day. We are due to arrive in Dakhla in a couple of hours and
we have been told that Wi-Fi internet access should be available in the
anchorage. If it is, I will try and send you a photo of the catch later.
Meanwhile, a delicious lunch of freshly caught and fried fish awaits. Bon
appetit! |