Channel pics 6

Mina2 in the Caribbean - Where's The Ice Gone?
Tim Barker
Mon 19 Mar 2012 02:38

Channel Pics 5





Next stop is the Bay of 1000 Waterfalls – a gross exaggeration, there can only have been several hundred cascading waterfalls all around us – we felt cheated. In this photo the DS is demonstrating her love of the scenery with a growing obsession for the flora of the area …




… and talking of developing obsessions, here’s Andrew diving into the water yards from a glacier. He’s completely lost his head.


One of the highlights of this whole mind-boggling cruise was Estéro Coloane, otherwise known as Caleta WOW!!! It had everything: glaciers all around, one of which you can go for a walk on – or even in, bomb-proof anchorage, fantastic hiking with incredible panoramas, and beavers.




Caleta WOW in all her glory. The speck near the bottom end of the water is Mina2. The hiking is world-class but demanding





“Where the hell am I?”




“Where the hell is he?”





Reunited at last. The two skippers with Mina2 beside them








The following day we go walking on the glacier. To put it into perspective, Andrew is the red speck in the foreground on the top of the glacier …





… before he goes for a walk inside the glacier …





… the view from underneath a glacier





In the afternoon we go beaver hunting – here’s the first evidence that we’re getting to Beaverville





At last we come across the Big Apple of Beaverland – level upon level of lagoons dammed by the beavers





in the middle of the lagoons is the enormous beaver lodge – accessed from channels under the surface of the water with secure living accommodation above





… some of the dams are monstrous structures of engineering more than 2 ½ metres high, and all of them completely watertight






Mr Beaver himself