Channel pics 5

Channel Pics 5
The next stop was Seno Garibaldi. On the way there, making our way west up the Beagle channel we passed glaciers with cascading meltwater falls. Note the condor mid photo.
It was in Garibaldi that we had an enchanting encounter with a colony of Southern Sealions …
… the rocks were so steep-sided we were able to observe them from just a metre or two away
At the end of Garibaldi was an impressive glacier which had the reputation of calving actively in the summer
… and at last we got some action
On the way back to the anchorage, Andrew, fed up with being cooped up with a couple of bickering sextagenarians decides enough is enough and decamps to a passing burgy bit
… a perfect spot for chilling out
In the morning we are surprised by a cruise ship that passes our anchorage. Note the lenticular cloud above it. |