Drake Crossing Progressing Satisfactorily

Position: 58:00S 067:46W Date / Time: 21 January 0645 (0945 UTC)
We are now about 130 miles from Cape Horn (out of a total distance from the Melchior Islands of 550) so about three quarters of the way across. After motoring for 16 hours yesterday when the light winds of the centre of the low passed through us, the wind kicked in yesterday afternoon as forecast. It’s been a fairly consistent 35-40 knots since then, slightly forward of the beam – a not uncomfortable point of sail – and 3m waves. We’ve been sailing at about 7.5 to 8 knots which is satisfactory. In fact rather faster than we had planned, a consequence of which is we will be rounding Cape Horn (now, doesn’t that sound grand!) in the middle of tonight – probably 0200 (0500 UTC).
The plan is, once round the Horn, to dive into a bay about 10 miles north, anchor, and have a good sleep on a horizontal boat. That’s the plan anyway – we’re not there yet!
We’re being chucked about a bit, so a tad difficult bracing myself and typing the blog at the same time, so will sign off now. |