Channel Photos 5

Channel Photos 5
Mina2 tied into the anchorage in front of the Caleta Beaulieu anchorage
Christine & Selina
Motoring to the next lot of glaciers in the west arm of Seno Pia
Christine & Fernando admire the glacier in odd Peruvian headwear
Enormous chunks were falling off with a roar whilst we were close by
Arty photo of reed gass (and snow clad mountains in background)
Sailing to Seno Tres Brazos (Fjord with Three Arms) we pass this glacier with a terrific waterfall of ice melt gushing out of it
The DS looks happy on one of the sunny spells we have. But as they say in Tierra Del Fuego “If you don’t like the weather – wait five minutes”. Half an hour after this photo was taken it was snowing!
Fernando has prepared a lavish lunch for us on the way to …
The idyllic Caleta Cinco Estrellas (***** 5-Star Bay) |