To Be-ard Or Not To Be-ard - That Is The Question

I made
reference to the growth of a rugged beard whilst in Antarctica. I was wondering
whether or not to keep it. Below is a photo of me before. (My rather smart
Skipper’s jacket featured here was confiscated by Miles in Ushuaia on the basis
that there was only one skipper on Pealgic Australis, and that was him.
Thieving tyrant.): .. and this is a photo of me after. .. and this is a close up I
think you’ll agree it’s pretty scruffy. I look like cross between Robin
Knox-Johnston, and an old tramp and Alan Sugar. In addition it itches and feels
dirty, so it’s going …. … going
.. GONE .. …
and you will see that I managed to buy another Skipper’s jacket as
well. It’s so nice being myself again, rather than pretending to be someone I’m
not. |