Block Island
Thu 5 Aug 2010 15:38
Block Island, it was here that we encountered
our third miserable American, not surprisingly he was a harbour master (the
other two being Dock masters), we were stopped for speeding in our tender and
ordered back to our boat like two naughty school children. He eventually
came out to check our papers. Once he was satisfied that we were all ship
shape, john ascertained whether he had the legal right to request this
information and board us, when he found out that he didn't, as we were
actually on the boat, John very nearly told him to **** off, but being the
polite, patient chap he is, he kept his cool and we were soon on our way, back
to shore with fold up bikes in tow, ready for a nice ride out to the
lighthouse. We had a swim in the fresh water lake which was significantly
warmer than the sea, which is now too cold to even dip your big toe
The next day we sailed round to Martha's Vineyard
famous for der dum, der dum, dum dum, dum dum, location for the Jaws
movie (if my cryptic clues weren't good enough!). Needless to say, we
did not swim in the sea vin. Whilst here we saw neither Martha or
a vineyard, but we did see the famous (if you're American) Black Dog
Schooners. It was a pleasant place and we enjoyed another bike ride across
the island. John now feels inadequate in the face of my granny running and
hopes that a few bike, rides will make the difference. Our next leg
took us through the woods hole channel (which runs up to 6 knots) us Buzzards
Bay (again a complete misnomer as we saw no buzzards), where we anchored
at the start of the Cape Cod Canal at Finney's Harbour.