A last turn to the East
Sun 27 Jul 2014 13:05
37:00.00N 008:53.00W We turn the corner at Cabo de Sao Vicente (Cape St Vincent). We did it in the dark and were very thankful for the AIS and radar systems. the latter was important because of the presence of stealth trawlers. The turn of this corner was our last look at some wind, which was due to die as we neared Gibraltar. Before it did we had some super 9 knot running under main and genoa. With the autohelm on one can just relax and watch the view. In these circumstances there is intense competition for control of the music mix. JE sides with the boys and boom-boom it is. Nic goes for a kip. The last of the homemade coleslaw was consumed here. Five days and 800nm later. We are looking forward to fish & chips in Gib. |